This ID guide will assist you in identifying brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB).

BMSM is considered a high priority exotic pest for Australian agriculture. It is not currently found in Australia, but once established, BMSB is very difficult to eradicate.


This ID guide will assist you in identifying cluster caterpillar, northern armyworm and fall armyworm.

Dieback is a tree’s response to negative stress occurring within its environment. All trees are susceptible to dieback, a condition where trees die or decline in crown health prematurely and often rapidly.

The Cotton Symptoms Guide is the guide to diseases and disorders in Australian cotton.

The Pests and Beneficials in Australian Cotton Landscapes guide introduces the role that native vegetation can play in Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Birds on Cotton Farms is a guide to common species and habitat management.

The Weed ID Guide has been compiled to assist the Australian cotton industry with the identification and management of the weeds that are most commonly problems for the industry.

The Seedling ID Guide has been compiled to assist the Australian cotton indu

Finding herbicide damage in a cotton crop has been an unfortunate experience for far too many cotton growers over the years. Damage may be from residues in the soil from a herbicide applied to a previous crop, from residues in contaminated spraying equipment, from accidental applic

Fishes on Cotton Farms is a guide to native fish and habitat management in North West NSW.

It contains common species of fish in cotton catchment areas, and provides a series of guiding principles for sustainable, ‘fish friendly’ landscape management.