Good and efficient management of soil fertility and fertilisers remains a vitally important area of research, development and extension (RD&E) for cotton growers and for CRDC.
Crop nutrition is the biggest portfolio of research, and a new version of NUTRIpak has been released in August 2018 to reflect this. The publication is designed to provide growers and consultants with the latest science in the field of cotton nutrition. It has been developed to help identify crop nutritional problems and develop management plans to meet crop demand and long-term sustainability.
Much has changed since the previous edition was published in 2001 when 10 bales per hectare was generally considered the upper yield limit. Today, Australian farm averages of 15 bales and field averages of more than 16 bales per hectare are being achieved.
This new version of NUTRIpak takes this into account and considers changes in plant nutritional requirements and nutrient exports, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, the key nutrients needed for cotton production.