Managing biodiversity in our cotton 'landscapes'
Federation/Narrandera local government area
Area of cotton landscape:
62,600 ha
Area of cotton properties:
5,500 ha
Area of remnant vegetation in the cotton landscape:
20,100 ha (32%)
Area of remnant vegetation on cotton properties:
450 ha (8%)
Area of threatened ecological communities in the cotton landscape:
9,510 ha (47%)
Area of threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
90 ha (20%)
Area of priority zones for native vegetation restoration and enhancement:
3,260 ha
Area of priority zones for vegetation:
4,230 ha
Main vegetation types on cotton properties:
River Red Gum forests, Grey Box woodlands, Yellow Box woodlands.
Main threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa) grassy woodlands and derived native grasslands of South-eastern Australia (E).
Lowland Murray River aquatic ecological community (N).
Named wetlands in the cotton landscape:
Dry Lake, Main Canal, Gum Hole, Goonerah Lagoon, Tom Grogans Lagoon.
Area of wetlands in the cotton landscape:
5,610 ha (9%)
Area of wetlands in the cotton properties:
540 ha (10%)
Length of major rivers in the cotton landscape:
80 km
Length of major rivers on cotton properties:
25 km
Length of minor water courses in the cotton landscape:
112 km
Length of minor streams on cotton properties:
12 km
Main rivers in the cotton landscape:
Murrumbidgee River, Colombo Creek, Yanco Creek.
Area of national park in the cotton landscape:
244 ha
Area of state forests in the cotton landscape:
1,727 ha
Area of travelling stock routes in the cotton landscape:
1,312 ha
Examples of public land reserves in the cotton landscape: Gillenbah State Forest.
Examples of iconic species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: Koala, Duck-billed Platypus, Black-fronted Dotterel, Black Swan, Glossy Ibis, Peregrine Falcon, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Zebra Finch, Eastern Blue-tongue Lizard, Macquarie Perch, Murray Cod, Murray Crayfish, Common Yabby.
Plants: River Red Gum, Red Darling Pea, Slender Darling Pea.
Examples of threatened species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: Brush-tailed Phascogale (N), Koala (V), Squirrel Glider (N), Diamond Firetail (N), Dusky Woodswallow (N), Flame Robin (N), Hooded Robin (N), Glossy Black Cockatoo (N,Q), Grey-crowned Babbler (N), Little Eagle (N), Scarlet Robin (N), Superb Parrot (V), Swift Parrot (CE), White- fronted Chat (N), Sloaneās Froglet (N), Macquarie Perch (E), Murray Cod (V), Trout Cod (E), Flathead Galaxias (CE), Southern Pygmy Perch (N).
Plants: Mueller Daisy (V), Pine Donkey Orchid (N), Red Darling Pea (V), Slender Darling Pea (V), River Swamp Wallaby-grass (V), Sand-hill Spider- orchid (E), Small Scurf-pea (N), Yellow Gum (N).